Daycare Program
Our daycare program provides childcare and early learning opportunities for children aged 0-5yrs. We offer full-time, part-time, and drop in spaces. Subsidy is available to those that qualify. Please contact us for more information.
Meal time
We provide morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack that are made at the centre following the Canadian Food guide. We allow the children to snack when they are hungry, we have snack available for 3.5 hrs in the morning and 2.5 hrs in the afternoon. At lunch time we sit down to a family style meal, staff members sit with the children to help guide them in proper table manners such as passing food, serving themselves, saying please and thank you, then clearing their dishes and putting them in the sink.
Nap/Quiet time
After lunch we have nap/quiet time, the children lay on mats and are given the opportunity to sleep or rest quietly. They are allowed to bring a comfort item from home to have during this time. We darken the room and play relaxing music to help the children rest.
Dramatic Play
At our centre we set up an area for dramatic play, this area is changes regularly to give them an assortment of play scenarios. Some of the themes we use are kitchen area, vet clinic, store/market, zoo, and camping. This area allows children to role play, learn to cooperate, problem solve, think creatively and lead their play experience.
Sensory Play
Children learn through touching, smelling, hearing, tasting, and seeing. We provide daily sensory experiences to promote learning, some examples of this type of play is a sand table with funnels, measuring spoons, and buckets, another is a magnet table with magnetic tiles, letters, tins, and balls. We also use a water table with items that float and items that sink.
Outdoor Play
We LOVE to play outside! Our yard has a bike track, a huge sand box, playhouses, slides, grass, wood chips, and many toys. Outdoor activities help develop gross motor skills, test physical limits, play co-operative games, connect with nature, and run, run, run!